Our Roots
Here at CircumSTANCE, we are taking a STANCE and rising above life's circumstances. Since our founding, we have been determined to make an impact. The core of our efforts is to spread awareness and create a supportive community for those affected by MIS-C, PIMS, and Invisible and Chronic illnesses. Our Mission is to help the pediatric population being affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Our goal is to end the stigma, start the conversations, and support those who need it most!

CircumSTANCE is working on numerous projects to help improve the lives of those affected by MIS-C, Post Covid issues, and Invisible and Chronic illness. We are very proud of the progress we continue to make. Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to create awareness and promote positive change in our community.

Helping The Community
At CircumSTANCE, our goal is to advocate, promote awareness, self confidence, and a community for those affected by MIS-C, PIMS, and Invisible or Chronic Illness. The COVID Pandemic has affected our pediatric population greatly - we will continue to help this population with both the physical and mental health issues that continue to arise. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities, rise above their CircumSTANCE, and gain the confidence to fulfill their dreams. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team at CircumSTANCE today!

Reinforcing our Commitment
At CircumSTANCE we strive to find ways to support those affected by MIS-C and Invisible or Chronic Illnesses. We have created a "CircumSTANCE Care Package" program. This program creates packages full of food, hobby, and wellness items for those in need. Our care packages are something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.

Ending The Stigma By Starting Conversations
At CircumSTANCE, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing and spreading awareness about MIS-C, Post Covid Issues, and Invisible/Chronic Illnesses. This is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support by booking one of our CircumSTANCE speakers today.

One Step at a Time
At CircumSTANCE, we are dedicated to awareness, advocacy, and action. We realize the importance of documentation and the up to date journaling of one’s health journey. Having an up to date health journal can help people advocate for themselves or their loved ones. We have created a Health Journal Program where our CircumSTANCE team will provide free journals and pens to help make documentation easier. If you are interested in receiving one of our free health journals, contact us today.

Helping The Community
CircumSTANCE continues to #takeastance to help protect our pediatric population. We created the First Ever MIS-C Awareness Week in 2020 and continue to host it on an annual basis. Please join us for our third annual MIS-C Awareness Week this December. Mark your calendar! December 12th-18th, 2022!

We’d love to have everyone save and share the MIS-C Awareness Ribbon. When our awareness week begins on December 12th, we would love for all families to use the MIS-C Awareness ribbon as their profile picture or post and tag us. FB: @circumstance.fb IG:@circumstance.inc
All of our awareness items have the teal/light blue ribbons and yellow. We chose these as the official colors for MIS-C based upon their meanings:Teal and lighter shades of blue are associated with health, healing, tranquility, and understanding.Yellow is a happy, youthful color, full of hope and positivity. It's a color that grabs your attention and for that reason can also be used to signify caution. These colors and their meanings are why we decided to combine them as the official colors for MIS-C.
Please join us this December!
The Faces Of MIS-C - COVID Pandemic
These are the “Faces Of MIS-C”
Our Founder Rachel, has been working hard on putting a simple yet powerful slide show together for the families that have been affected by COVID 19 and MIS-C. These kids and their families have become a very big part of our CircumSTANCE teams mission. Help us spread awareness by liking, commenting, and sharing this video on any of our social media platforms.
💙In loving Memory of Elizabeth English💙
IG: @CircumSTANCE.inc
"One day we will look back on these circumstances and the stigma will be gone...Replacing the stigma will be a constant reminder of the conversations started and the overwhelming support shown; For ALL.
Rachel Dutra
Founder of CircumSTANCE
Collaborative & Innovative

Doing What’s Needed
In December of 2020 our CircumSTANCE Team created the first ever awareness campaign for Multi System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. We created “The Faces of MIS-C” campaign to honor the children and families affected by this devastating syndrome. We had many families reach out to us about our MIS-C Awareness campaign, due to the fact that many news outlets were unwilling to highlight them. In late January we were honored that FOX news picked up Elizabeth’s story and highlighted the work we are doing here. At CircumSTANCE we have decided to take a STANCE during the COVID Pandemic - and help others rise above the circumstances to get much needed awareness out about MIS-C. We will continue to help advocate and raise awareness for the pediatric population affected by this. Please like, comment, and share our website and social media infographics.MIS-C Awareness CAN save a life!